GPS Tracking Dashboard


Intelligent GPS Tracking Dashboard Solution
(Fleet & Mobile Resource Solution)

Real Time Location Reporting

Locate at a glance where every vehicle in your fleet is, right now! The map provides the dispatcher with the current location, status, speed, and heading for each vehicle. Unlike other GPS systems that only update once every 5 to 15 minutes, the OmaticsGPS tracking application typically updates every 2 minutes, or as often as every 10 seconds. With the OmaticsGPS Fleet Management System, you are always in control of your fleet.

Mapping Technology

We incorporates one of the world’s fastest and up to date GPS mapping technologies available. This allows us to provide accurate and complete maps for the entire world. A universal mapping solution enables our GPS tracking dashboard to deploy anywhere in the world.

Map Routing with Shortest & Quickest Path

We have built-in routing capabilities, allowing you to direct your mobile workforce to use the most efficient and cost effective routes. Routing also enables you to route lost drivers from their current position to customer locations.

GPS Tracking Dashboard

Replay Vehicle Location History

Our GPS tracking dashboard allows you to manage your customer locations and have them displayed on the map and with reports. As part of the overall custom solution to address your unique business requirements, you can import your entire customer location database in a few easy steps. This service will provide you with a global view of your customers and the relative location of your fleet in real time.

Business Intelligence Reports

With OmaticsGPS reporting, you have the tools necessary to cut operating costs, increase employee productivity and improve customer satisfaction. Detailed analysis of your mobile assets and their respective productivity provides valuable insight for any business owner.

Real-time Alerts & Notification

Be notified even when you don’t have access to your system via email or text message immediately when unauthorized vehicle activities occur, such as:

  • Speeding
  • Excessive Idling
  • Unauthorized Vehicle Usage
  • Geofence violation
  • Side Work
  • Custom Events

Fleet Status Monitoring

Monitor the status of your entire fleet within a single screen. This provides fleet management a quick and easy tool to ensure productivity and adherence to customer appointment/delivery schedules.