Dairy and Veterinary

Dairy and Veterinary Tracking
(Smarter control and management)

OmaticsGPS provide comprehensive, professional Dairy and Veterinary Medical Call Booking & Dispatch Management System with GPS based Vehicle Tracking system to provide quick and emergency response to the farmers.

Milk delivery

While GPS Tracker can track and trace the location, door sensors fitted on the outlet valve of the milk tankers will alert monitoring team every time the door lid or the valve is opened.

Furthermore, milk temperature can be remotely monitored using our Temp-O-Matics monitoring system. Thus, making sure that the milk product temperature remains within the acceptable range.

Veterinary doctor dispatch

Dairy and Veterinary When your livestock such as cow, buffalo, goat feel sick then you want your veterinary doctor to attend the site right away.

You call central monitoring line who will look up OmaticGPS tracking dashboard for the nearest veterinary vehicle in your area and send message to the doctor to attend the site.

All-in-one GPS tracking system for all – farmers, dairy corporation, veterinary doctors and transporters

Benefits to the farmers:

  • Farmer call single number from anywhere for emergency.
  • 7×24 available services with quick response.
  • Farmer can book a visit call from any phone line.
  • Check Doctor availability in your area or Village…

Benefits to the dairy and veterinary management:

  • Provide better service, better efficiency.
  • Reduce excessive dispatch to remote areas.
  • Efficiently use of time & better control on all Doctors.
  • Real-time status updates of each farmer or calls.
  • Visit and delivery reports updated instantly.
  • Vehicle mileage reports and more…

Feel free to Contact us, we offer many other services, including dispatch and routing and more…

You don’t have to be a cow to know what milk is…

Without trying out GPS TRACKERS you will not know the benefits of our tracking system